Thursday, July 7, 2011


Yay, finally some pics of Lily Kate!  She is almost 15 months old, and busy as a bee.  She sleeps great, naps great, eats great, and never stops.  She is such a joy and we love every minute with her.  What was life like without her? 

Here are many pics.  Enjoy!

She is almost always happy, and has gotten soooo silly these days! 

Please notice that she has a bow...  soo cute!

But they don't last long!  She hates them being on and takes them off as soon as she can!

Her daddy brought her some 3D glasses and she loves them!

Ok, and now on a completely different note...  This morning we had a new visitor when we went to feed the kitties.  At first I thought this was coincidence, but the turtle moved to the cat food and started eating as soon as I put it down!  Percy was not happy with this visitor, especially since he was eating at Percy's breakfast spot.  Of course I gave Percy a different spot for this morning.

This pic proves the turtle was eating.  That is a piece of food in his mouth!  Silly turtle, cat food is for kitties!

Wow, two posts in two days! 

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